Hill View Manor Ghost Hunt Haunted Paranormal
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I can tell you stories like these are not uncommon amongst nurses and aides who work in nursing homes or hospitals. Residents will see and also talk to people who are not there. Since the minor or major periods do not coincide with a sunrise or sunset this day does not have a heightened peak time rating which would be indicated with a + or a ++ and the text bolding of the included periods. There are many people who believe that there are spirits of a number of former inmates, residents, patients – whatever you wish to call them – and perhaps nurses or other staff members, too – still roaming the halls of this 85,000 square-foot structure. He shared a video from an investigation Olde World Paranormal Society of Fort Wayne conducted inside the building.
The Snyders remained in charge of the poor farm until June of 1944 when the county suspected the then elderly couple of being incompetent. They were removed from their post after serving the community for more than thirty years. Private time to explore this location and to undertake your very own private vigils. Use of our equipment which includes, trigger objects and EMF Meters. Exclusive Overnight Access to the most haunted areas.
Boo-k an Experience
But it seems to have everything one can need to relax on the beach or enjoy water sports. There is a bicycle path around the whole lake and marked hiking trail. Although the lake is intensively commercially used you can find there a beautiful nature and even a natural reservation. Watching them flying over the lake was a breathtaking spectacle.
Because this major period occurs within 30 minutes to an hour of a sunset that actually gives this day a heightened peak time rating of Average+ and should give you very good hunting and fishing action during the bolded period. Because this major period occurs within 30 minutes to an hour of a sunrise that actually gives this day a heightened peak time rating of Average+ and should give you very good hunting and fishing action during the bolded period. Take part in a 2 hour guided Tour through the beautiful active Bell Mansion! Hear all the paranormal stories experienced right here by our team and other paranormal teams worldwide! Feel Free to take pictures and videos to try and capture your own paranormal activity!
They said he might have still been hanging around, causing mischief. The ~14,000 square foot nursing home had 18 patient rooms each with up to 4 beds, which all still exist on the property today. There is also a dining area, kitchen, lounge area, office area, and full basement.
I used to work in a nursing home as a CNA and we had quite a few experiences. Mostly involving disembodied voices, phantom footsteps. One thing I always found facinating were many of the residents would talk about seeing children and within a week the resident that saw the children would die. Almost as if they were having visitors to prepare them for their passing and guide them to the other realm...
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For the nearly eight decades that the facility served the Lawrence County community, hundreds of people resided within the walls of Hill View Manor – and many – documented and undocumented deaths – occurred here. Naturally, some died from illness or old age, others by their own hand. The residents were referred to as inmates, and when the facility opened its doors to twenty former residents of the old New Castle City Home, a young boy was among the first to move in. The haunted Hill View Manor in New Castle, PA is a haven for the paranormal.
Usually it the sound of a young girl crying that brings a resident to the window and seeing a young girl on a bicycle crying only to disappear when the nurses come in. A friend of mine worked as a nurse in an LTC facility and she would tell stories of hearing people talking in Vacant aprtments and she would go in to check (the resident's aren't allowed to go into the vacant units) and she would find the room empty. I've worked in a few nursing homes and yes there were a few stories of ghosty oldies. I worked in the kitchen and did the evening shift. I worked alone, setting up snacks and cleaning the kitchen. On several occasions, while I was making toast for the evening snack, I'd get the feeling that someone was walking up behind me.
Perhaps it has something to do with her genes? Marie Laveau the voodoo queen is one of her ancestors. The intersection where true crime, horror, and the paranormal meets travel, events, entertainment and lifestyle. I would be interested to hear anything you have.
We think the child spirit might be from the time before the home was built and a nursing house was on the property. Apologies I should have been mroe specific on that. Yes I meant that there was asightings of a girl by the residents but there was no children anywhere near the location that could have been seen.
I'll call her Sarah for the sake of this story. When I went into the room she pointed out the man who was floating above her bed and asked me if I thought her husband was good looking. I proceeded with getting her ready and out of no where she asked me who the man and woman standing behind me were. I was not about to keep feeding her fantasies so I looked around the room and told her there was no one else but her and I in the room. She kept staring behind me so I finished up and said good night to her, then walked out the door. As I started walking down the hall, I heard Sarah say, and I quote, "Who are you people and what are you doing here. She thinks I'm crazy".
No other floor's door opened nor did anyone hear an alarm go off to indicate someone had exited from another floor. I've worked in a lot of nursing homes also, still do. I was going into a resident's room to assist her with getting ready for bed.
Put headphones on or turn up your volume and watch this 20 minute video of evidence found at the bell. You hear names and words being said on the spirit box, rempod hits, and orbs. Since the building was in a serious state of neglect, I spent countless days and late nights there with family and friends cleaning, repairing, and organizing. A large quantity of the contents from the nursing home still remained . Live paranormal investigation from The Bell Nursing Home in Kimbolton Ohio. Crazy Paranormal Activity with ghost box interaction and rempod activity starting 1/4 way through.
In 1926, Hill View Manor, then known as The Lawrence County Home for the Aged, opened its doors to serve the poor, the elderly and the mentally ill; people who had no one else to help care for them. It was a “poor farm” – the able-bodied residents, called inmates at the time, were expected to work the farmland and in other capacities within the facility. The former mansion has had quite an interesting history, too, so it wouldn’t be surprising if it was haunted.
Well a nursing home is an above ground grave yard,so yeah if ghosts exist ,nursing homes would have heaps . When I moved to a larger city, some other girls plus myself would have our apron stings pulled. We'd be standing at the stove or the sink and our aprons would be tugged and come undone. We've always just blamed a dirty old man ghost . Would you like to come investigate a location that was once a funeral home? The Bell Mansion was a funeral home for 93 years!
It’s believed that many who perished in the facility are buried in unmarked graves in the cemetery located behind the building. Unfortunately, there’s no way to know how many people met their fate while residing at Hill View. But the stories – and the spirits – are numerous.
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